Wealth Corner Arrangement Taboos

No backing for Wealth Corner

You’d better have two solid walls behind the wealth corner, so as to have something to lean on with worries behind and to gather air and energy.

Noisy Rather than Quiet Wealth Corner

A noisy or chaotic money area can hardly keep incomes but break up your luck in making money, causing financial losses to your family. Therefore, remember not to place any TV, audio and other home theater equipment here. The vibration of electrical appliances is inevitable in the use, which will lead to the unstable state of wealth corner and make it hard for you to save money. At the same time, no air conditioning is allowed at the wealth corner, or your luck in making money will be blown away.

Heavy Weight at Wealth Corner

No heavy furniture, such as cabinet, bookcase and display case, at the wealth corner; otherwise, the heavy weight will suppress the emission of wealth and prevent the accumulation of family fortune, which has no benefit for your family but stagnate, even seriously damage your family fortune.

Contamination to the Wealth Corner

The wealth corner shall be kept clean and tidy. The left shall not be a rest room, or the wealth corner will be contaminated, making it hard for your family to gather wealth. Also, do not have a sharp corner opposite the money area, or the evil spirits will be increased to affect your family fortune.

Water at Wealth Corner

The wealth corner shall be kept stable and free from water, so do not place water plant or fish tank here; otherwise, your fortune will be turned into water. Also, do not place a waves painting here as it symbolizes ups and downs of luck in wealth. Waterfall painting which symbolizes come and go of wealth shall also be avoided. Landscape painting at wealth corner indicates the outgoing wealth, thus shall be avoided too.

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